So, yeah. I failed the final evaluations of Google Summer of Code. I didn't expect it, but I think I should have added more features to my project and worked harder. To be honest, this was one hell of a summer. Working on such a project, OfflineExtension for WikiEditor, with such an awesome community WikiToLearn and such cool mentors, Gianluca Rigoletti and Irene Cortinovis, is worth millions. I couldn't pass the final evaluations, but I gained so so much that I have no hard feelings. Of course, I felt bad, but at the end, the experience is all that matters. Thanks, Google and WikiToLearn for giving me such an amazing opportunity. I would work more on my project and try to get it in the production mode, as soon as possible. Also, I will reapply for Google Summer of Code next year too with the same organization, and will definitely pass :'). And, the bad part ends here. Good news is that I'm now a core developer of WikiToLearn, and I find this opportunity to be more worthy than being a GSoCer, so this.failure eventually equals to this.success (Sorry for this, I'm learning JAVA :P ). Thanks, Riccardo and Gianluca for giving me this oppurtunity. I’ll give my best, work harder, learn and will contribute to as much as I can. :)
Long Live WikiToLearn, Long Live KDE, Long Live Mediawiki and Long Live FOSSatAmrita! :)
Long Live WikiToLearn, Long Live KDE, Long Live Mediawiki and Long Live FOSSatAmrita! :)
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