Hey folks. I registered for FOSSMeet@NITC and attended the day 1 sessions on 27th feb. The venue i.e. NIT was great (except the stink that comes of birds' shit :P ) and the food was good too. Sessions were good, but they could have been better. The sessions ranged from average to good.
I arrived a night before the meet and I was really obliged when one of the organizers at night 11.30, without any extra formalities got me the accommodation. The accommodation was also good.
So, the day started off with the registration formalities at the Chanakya Hall. We had our breakfast there, and then the sessions were lined up. Since there were many sessions at the same time at three places, one has to chose one session he's interested in.
Tony Thomas, my FOSS@Amrita's club mentor was also one of the speaker there. His talk, though, was on the second day. So he advised me to go for the GoLang Workshop by Baiju Muthukadan. It was one of the impressive sessions on day 1. The speaker was really good and he almost covered everything of GoLang in a 4 hour session. His presentation can be found here.
After a long 4 hour session, we went back to Chanakya Hall for having our lunch. The next session, I chose to attend was How to Start Contributing to Open Source by Tapasweni Pathak and Vaishali Thakkar. Though, I didn't find the talk interesting (as I knew how can one start contributing, thanks to my FOSS@Amrita Club) but I liked the way Tapasweni tried to introduce it. Vaishali didn't had much role, though. So this talk by average.
The next talk was on RESTful APIs by Shahul Hameed. I did find this talk interesting as I didn't know about the RESTful APIs. The speaker shared his experiences of building apps with RESTful APIs using a bunch of technologies including Redis, requests etc. The talk was a bunch of suggestions on modules and libraries that we should probably be looking at if we are creating an app with RESTful API and also about the future of RESTful APIs. I forgot to say about the WiFi Speed we were getting here. It was around 10Mbps and yeah, I did download some stuff.
The next talk I was taken to by my batch-mate was about How to start Contributing to Mozilla by Akshay S Dinesh. This was the least interesting session. I didn't know why was the speaker focusing on non technical ways to contribute rather than focusing on the coding(technical) ways. Then, he had some real arguments(debate kind of scene) with so called, FOSS terrorists on GIThub Vs GITlab. He was told to inform Mozilla that some handful FOSS terrorists(they called them enthusiasts, though) weren't satisfied with Mozilla for uploading its projects to GIThub. I didn't get this fact. Do you think everything in the internet should be free and open source? I don't get it. One has to appreciate the use of proprietary software. So I got out of the session as soon I can.
The next talk I went to was 'The worst programmer I ever met' by Steven Dobald. I found this session really good and his way of keeping his point was impressive. He talked about the mistakes a programmer commits, which makes him a bad one. Though, I didn't get the type of questions asked to him after his talk. People didn't ask about the questions related to coding rather they started asking about his company policies and salary structure. Like seriously? How can one categorise these people?
We had our dinner after that. While having dinner, I and Tony bhaiya were having a discussion on the last talk and,I got his views on why these people weren't asking questions related to Coding rather on some policies stuff. He then told me the difference between the FOSS enthusiasts and FOSS terrorists. After having dinner there was a panel meeting which we were least interested at but went for surfing the high speed Internet :D . At that meeting, except a few speakers, everyone was talking rubbish (according to me). They were talking about changing the whole education system. How can a handful of persons sitting in an AC room talk about changing the whole education system?
That's all what happened on the day 1 of FOSSMeet. I'll soon write about the Day 2 too.
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